Wednesday 6 June 2007

Jesus and World Environment Day

Jesus and World Environment Day

by Remigius de Souza

Jesus’ public life – ministry – was perhaps the shortest among the dead and the living that may include incarnations, prophets, god persons, statesmen etc. But surely he must have lived the fastest life during this period than any other man or woman in the history of civilised world including that of 20th and now 21st century. His fast life was brought to, perhaps, inevitable end for his confrontation with the powers in religion and the state.

The faithful all over the world and others do celebrate Jesus’ birthday [night] and the day of His Resurrection. Is it because of his miracles, preaching, his way of life or his confrontation with religion and the state that resulted in his death [or murder] by these powers? In worldly sense he was only a son of a humble carpenter. I wonder if he ever attended a school or a seminary.

How would he do in the present times? While Jesus now a virtual reality may allow us new modes of ideas and actions on love, peace, war, progress, development, trade and treachery. Jesus has been capitalised by individuals/institutions like major/ minor gods everywhere. How would real life Jesus fare now? I wonder.

Who is that in the plant – animal – human
worlds whose life itself is prayer
and sacrifice and celebration?
Who does want prayers, rites and rituals other
than the hypocrites and liars and deceivers
when religions are brand names?

I, now, can’t separate Jesus’ birth and death as is customarily done, as is known that death has been haunting him even before his birth.

Lord’s Prayer that Jesus has given is enough for lifetime for anyone in right context intrinsic with love. Then why separate a prayer from life? Does a prayer need words, and mechanical chanting? Can a prayer be an act, an action, any act – humble or great – sleep, work, walk, sit, eat, drink, f**k…, or an annual budget for a country, a science project, designing and building a town or dam on a river…?

An act as a prayer without abuse of other, of man or matter, of the Earth as Mother (if Father is in heaven), directly or by proxy, is for anyone, everyone, may one belong to a faith or a sect, or be even an atheist.

Then even Lord’s Prayer would become ‘People’s Prayer”, and not a camouflage or absolution! But the problem with action as a prayer is it eliminates most of the ‘work’ that offers power, and profit in any tangible form that civilised societies invented over millennia. Work - all work- is dissipation of energy, which is beyond for the basic needs - food, shelter, clothing. Indeed an unprofitable proposition?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Remigius de Souza
69-243 S B Marg Mumbai 400028 India


  1. My understanding of Hinduism runs in similar ways. Not very popular , but there are people who live thus.

    1. Actually they are in majority, though unknown; that makes the world worth living.
