"Dear Remigius de Souza,
thank you for your info regarding your blog page. Phantastic! I copied the "Relevance of Indigenous Tribal Housing Today" and handed it out to students at the EPF/ETH Lausanne. This is somehow what I had dreamt of in India, because it still has an overwhelming amount of traditional communities! I more and more become aware that "civilisation" is to a great extent also a tremendously negative cultural evolution: historistic misunderstandings and misconstructs of human life are considered as the true fundaments of social organisation. This is why this type of research into the traditional "tribal world" on the empirical level of research of architecture, handicraft and space is extremely important (disciplines of Western humanities produce tremendous "Euro-historistic distortions"!).
Thank you once more, I will read myself more into your important Blog site!
With warm regards,
Nold Egenter"
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Some of the links to his works:
Nold Egenter's work speaks for him; I need not add my certificate. Those who are new to his valuable contribution to our understanding of culture and architecture, better discover more thro' the clue provided in the links above to his work.
Indian education system should include Anthropology in the textbooks of “Civics” and “History” subjects in their schools colleges and universities; and add it as Refresher Course for the bureaucrats: It is high time.
India has been plural society, now being driven to polarity by various vested interests and their evil means.
Remigius de Souza
Note: Image Source, Nold Egenter' Profile
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