Friday, 18 July 2008

धरतरी: The Earth (Marathi Poem)

धरतरी झाली माझे माता पिता गुरु.
--- रेमी डिसोजा
गुरु पौर्णिमा १८.७.२००८

The Earth

The earth is my mother, father, guru. All incarnations came from and merged with land. The Earth is manifestation of God.

-- Remi de Souza

© Remigius de Souza, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

A perpetual state of trauma

A perpetual state of trauma
by Remigius de Souza

In your society i.e. high-class society, or classless society,
of Industrial Civilisation, comprised of individuals,
as if no one is born of biological parents,
but everyone is a product of high-class-culture
of science–technology–trade–consumption,
laced with aesthetics of hedonism by your overbearing senses;
touch, hearing, taste, vision, smell, sex and terror (fear).

For you the rest of humanity just belongs to the Underclass Incognita.

And your high-class-culture (or dharma!) turns everything –
Earth, Waters, Air, Life at large… including Other Humans – into a commodity
for the consumption for your high-class-society,
and for the display extravagant of your high-class-culture.

Your high-class-culture developed (but never evolved?)
out of five thousand years of civilised society,
knows no option
either for the revival of Life,
which, of course, is not in your hands,
or allow anyone or anything a natural death.

but is left to live a life of an invalid,
by benevolently pumping drugs and chemicals
to leave a body –
from the Earth and Waters to Plants, Animals and Other Humans –
in a perpetual state of trauma.

(Note: Sadly, fragmented split personality that I am, I address this to myself though a negligible fragment that I am of Industrial Civilisation.)
© Remigius de Souza, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Warli Painting with the Artist and her Family

Ritual Painting by Warli Midwife on wall during child birth

Warli Painting with the Artist and her Family

Warli painting is the DOMAIN OF WARLI WOMEN, unlike male chauvinist civilised societies. Warli Painting, like their dances and music, is part of their life and culture and not a separate department for the so-called gifted artists in the civilised societies. Warli Tribe have neither gender issues of discrimination or prostitution like in civilised societies.
However, we notice that the do-gooder urban elites are promoting their own values and encouraging males to paint for publishing and marketing Warli Art. They don’t learn because they can’t appreciate Tribal values. This missionary work is most detrimental to tribal culture.
The western and the westernised societies fail to understand; in the tribal communities everyone is artist – painter, poet, singer, dancer, house builder… unlike industrial and civilized societies, which tend to divide society into compartments and hierarchies.

Read MORE ON >> Warli Housing and Art
© Remigius de Souza, all rights reserved.